Thursday, September 13, 2012

'14 Treasured Eateries in 14 Days' - #4 Luxe Bakery Cafe

Day 4 of our '14 Treasured Eateries in 14 Days' which means its time for our number 4 position...


Seriously... listen to me...'re no listening! LISTEN!

thank you... Luxe is THE most amazing cafe. The coffee is spot on, the food is french patisserie. The waitresses and the manager (who makes the coffee also) are the nicest, and funniest and loveliest!

They are next door to the original Campos Coffee spot BUT do not be tempted to go for what you know... LUXE will not disappoint!

Try the scrambled eggs with spicy Lebanese sausage , or the roasted vege sandwhich, or any of the incredible baked goods... just got nuts kids!

1 comment:

  1. On my way to campos, I always walk past this place but never venture in. But the smells that escape it are always divine. Thanks for the little push I needed to step outside my routine and try some delicious new foods! A new brekky joint, I think so!
